"Extensive research has shown that cultural fit is critical for a new executive's performance and retention.  Hiring senior executives with compatible values and style can provide exceptional return on the hiring investment..." - Jeffrey Pfeffer, Ph.D., Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford School of Business

Milestone #1

Within 48 Hours, we will:

Meet with client/hiring manager to complete client discovery.
Develop a search strategy that includes identification of:

        Internal team
        Geographic reach
        Title and candidate description
        Top 20 source companies

Milestone #2

After 7 Days, we will:

Schedule a conference call where we will present:

        Overall search strategy
        Detailed position description and profile
        Research strategy
        Recruiting strategy

Milestone #3

After 14 Days, we will:

    Hold a meeting/call to receive a strategy "green light" and present status on:

        Exhaustive industry research
        Report on backgrounds reviewed to date
        Spoken with at least 15 prospects

    Present 1-2 benchmark candidates and discuss pros and cons of each. Adjust search strategy, if needed, as a result of this discussion.

Milestone #4

After 35 Days, we will have:

    Spoken with at least half of the targeted research base
    Interviewed at least 5 prospects
    Presented at least 3 qualified candidates
    Make necessary adjustments to the strategy as needed

Milestone #5

After 75 Days, we will have:

    Spoken with 75% of the targeted research base—sources and prospects
    Presented two eminently hirable candidates
    Secured 1-2 alternative hirable candidates

Milestone #6

Within 100 Days, we will have:

    Identified your company’s next top performer
    Worked to assimilate candidate in to client’s organization
    Completed satisfaction survey with client

Milestone #7

After 180 Days, we will:

    Speak with placed candidate to ensure job satisfaction and assimilation into the organization
    Report findings back to client/hiring manager

What Makes a Leader?

There is no shortage of innovative ideas and solid business plans. The most limited resource is great people. Executives who possess the following leadership qualities are far more likely to deliver success to the business, coworkers, customers and shareholders. We have found, over many years of interviewing and placing thousands of senior executives, that these key personality traits and skill sets are the “must haves” when completing the position specification.

1) Strong ability to establish & communicate a clear vision. Successful leaders are very strategic and yet capable of translating that vision into achievable day-to-day tasks and objectives.

2) An unwavering standard of honesty, integrity and ethics. It’s virtually impossible to lead successfully without these critical qualities.

3) Strong intellectual capacity. Significant mental horsepower can make up for other weaknesses. Executives with high intellectual capacity have the ability to make quick, solid decisions in tough environments and during difficult times.

4) High Emotional IQ. Successful executives fundamentally understand that people are the company’s greatest asset. They know how to listen!

5) Talent Magnet. Strong leaders aren’t afraid to surround themselves with exceptional people. Extraordinary people are virtually always attracted to strong leaders.

6) Warrior-like qualities. Great executives have a warrior-like quality about them which allows them to persevere, no matter how difficult or impossible the task. They are driven to succeed.